Adoption Application

You May also download the word document at the bottom of the page and email the completed application to

    **Important:** Please contact your vet within 24 hours of submitting this application and give them permission for Furever Paws Animal Rescue to discuss vetting history with them.

    Dog’s Name(s) You’re Applying For:



    Applicant Name:

    Cell Phone:

    Work Phone:


    Age of Applicant:





    Co-Applicant (Optional)

    In the event that the dog that you are applying for is no longer available, would you be interested in adopting a different dog?

    Home Information

    In what type of home do you live:

    Do you own or rent your home:

    Is your yard fenced:

    How many adults reside in your household:

    How many children reside in your household:

    If you have children in your household, what are their ages:

    Is everyone in your home in agreement with regard to adopting a pet:

    Does anyone in your home have medical or allergy conditions:

    If allergies present themselves to a family member after adoption, what is your plan to handle that situation:

    Who will be the primary caretaker of your adopted pet:

    Considering the energy level of your family, what energy level is a good fit for your family?

    Pet History

    Do you currently have pets:

    Name of Pet:


    Age of Pet:

    Is/are your current pet(s) Spayed or Neutered:

    If no, please explain:

    Is/are your current pet(s) current with Vaccines:

    If no, please explain:

    Is/are your current pet(s) given monthly heartworm preventive:

    Do your pet(s) live inside or outside:

    Current/Previous Veterinarian's Information (Name of vet office and which pet(s) were vetted there):

    What is your current veterinarian's phone number:

    Do you give your permission for our representative to call your vet(s) to obtain pet history:

    Have you ever given up a pet:

    If yes, please explain:

    Where will your adopted animal sleep?

    Do you plan on enrolling your dog in obedience classes:

    How much time will the animal spend alone during the day:

    Where will the animal be kept when you are not home:

    What are your plans for your dog while on vacation:

    Rescue animals require time to adjust to their new environment. What amount of time do you consider to be reasonable for this adjustment:

    What will you do with this pet if you move (be specific):

    What behaviors would you be unable to tolerate from an pet (check ALL that apply):

    Potty AccidentsFightingBeing on furnitureHiding from company/familyBarkingEscapingAwaking earlySheddingDiggingCounter SurfingChewingNot adjusting quicklyJumping on peopleGetting into garbageNone of these things

    If the animal develops or begins one of the listed behaviors that you feel is intolerable, would you consider working with a behaviorist or trainer before giving up on the dog:

    What methods you plan on using to discourage unwanted behavior(s):

    For what reason would you consider giving up the animal? Please answer this question honestly! Our goal is to place our animals into homes where they will stay FOREVER. As some pets are not meant to live in every situation, we need to know for what specific reasons you would relinquish this dog. Be specific: Why have you chosen to adopt this animal? Be specific:

    Why do you want this animal:

    What are your feelings on spaying or neutering animals:

    I am aware that a pet requires yearly vaccines/tests and the costs can be a minimum of $200? Note: Once you factor in food, trips to the groomers, pet sitter or kennel stays while you are on vacation and other injuries, illness, the cost of owning a pet often times can be as much as $500 or more a year; per pet. Please consider this before making a decision to bring an animal into your home and family.

    How long have you been looking for a pet:

    Have you Applied Elsewhere:

    If yes, where and what is the status of that application or adoption:

    You understand that rescue animals may have unknown medical history:

    You understand that rescue animals may have unknown behavior history:

    Would you be opposed to a “Furever Paws Animal Rescue” representative visiting/calling you after the adoption is complete to inquire about the animal:

    How did you hear about FPAR:

    I understand that completion of this application will in no way guarantee the adoption of this dog. Furthermore, any falsification of information will result in the immediate denial of this application. By Checking the box below, I declare I am at least 18 years of age.

    Check to Agree

    Download Application Below:
    Adoption Application (DOCX, 36KB)