Foster a Dog

Foster a Dog, Save a Life!

It is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. You are welcoming a dog in need into your home. This frees up space at the shelter for another dog to fill. It gives you time to learn about your foster dog and what type of family he/she would fit best with.

*Read Foster Guidelines

Become a Foster

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone (required)

    Address (required)

    City (required)


    Zip (required)

    What position(s) would you be interested in?

    Are you over 18 years of age?


    If you are under 18 years old you will need a Parent/Guardian with you when you volunteer, who will that person be? Please include their name, relation and contact info. This information will also be asked when you fill out the minor volunteer waiver.

    Have a special talent or interest? We need all sorts of volunteers. Let us know how you'd like to help.

    Do you want to help at our adoption events? This would include helping promote FPAR animals and volunteer opportunities, print and pass out fliers about FPAR, have a simple fundraiser; Craft Sale, bake sale, etc. and have proceeds benefit FPAR.

    Are you comfortable approaching a dog you don't know?

    Do you understand that dogs are unpredictable, and that FPAR cannot guarantee that a dog we are trying to rescue may not become aggressive?

    Animals are often frightened when in unfamiliar surroundings, and may become aggressive and even bite you or a companion. Are you willing to assume these risks with a rescue dog?

    We would like to know your preference of the level of commitment for volunteering with FPAR. Approximately how many hours a week would you like to volunteer?

    Potential Fosters

    In what type of home do you live:

    Do you own or rent your home:

    If you rent, can you provide written proof or name/number of contact if needed:

    Is your yard fenced:

    What type of fence:


    Fosters help rescued dogs become more adoptable and find a loving furever home.

    foster a dog

    You make a difference when you foster a dog.

    Without our foster parents, Furever Paws Animal Rescue could not survive. Our foster parents allow us to rescue more dogs by providing temporary housing and loads of love during our evaluation and training periods while we work diligently to find their very own forever homes.

    Why Foster a Dog?

    Fostering helps a rescued dog to find a furever home. You as the foster will be responsible for giving the dog the love, compassion, attention and training he/she needs to become more adoptable.

    You have the opportunity to work with each rescue dog, to develop trust and to allow them to recover from injuries and/or ailments.

    When you foster a dog it is a very rewarding experience as there is nothing like watching your foster baby transition from the shelter to their forever home. We understand that fostering can present certain challenges and we are here to support you along the way, we are available to our fosters 24 hours a day!

    We pull dogs from shelters often just hours and even minutes before some dogs are scheduled to be euthanized. When you foster a dog you only have the rescued dog for a limited period while we network him/her in order to find the a loving furever home.

    There are two types of fosters that we are continually searching for to join our team.

    Full-Time Fosters

    Being able to foster a rescue dog for an undetermined amount of time. Often these fosters range from a couple of weeks to potentially months.

    Overnight / Temporary Fosters

    When we pull dogs, often things move quickly and we may not have a full-time foster lined up, our temporary fosters allow us to save the dog first and find the right foster parent as we go along.

    Temporary fosters are critical to us as they offer us flexibility in our rescue efforts.

    Furever Paws Animal Rescue’s Commitment to You & Your Foster Dog

    • We can provide routine and emergency medical care at one of our fantastic partner vets…at no cost to you.
    • We have trainers/behaviorists who can help work through any issues (no matter how big or small) you may have with your Rescue Dog foster pup.
    • We let the world know that your Foster Dog is looking for a permanent home by posting him or her on multiple websites.
    • We hold adoption events – a great way to find loving homes for your foster dogs.
    • We provide a network of experienced volunteers to answer questions, screen potential adopters, help transport your dog when you are unable, and do anything we can to make fostering a great experience!

    Your Commitment to Your Rescue Dog

    • You provide daily care for your Rescue Dog foster.
    • You provide unconditional love and affection.
    • You bring your foster to our adoption events.
    • You help your adoption coordinator (AC) by providing up-to-date information and photos of your foster dog. And, if you’d like, you can participate in screening potential adopters and marketing your foster dog for adoption.
    • And, most importantly, you let us know if you need help!

    We are always in need of fosters! 

    Foster parents teach the basic commands, assist in potty training (if needed), along with socialization.  Fosters interact with the dog on a regular basis.  Oversee the food and vetting for the dog while in their care.  Consider becoming part of the FPAR community of volunteers.  You not only experience the joys of saving lives, but become part of a compassionate family.

    If you are interested in becoming a foster parent for one of our rescue dogs please complete our Volunteer Application

    If you have more questions about Furever Paws Animal Rescue you can contact us or check out our FAQ.

    The foster dog will socialized on a regular basis rather than sitting in a kennel all day. Do you have the heart to be a foster?

    Each new foster will be assigned a FPAR Mentor that helps them through the process, from picking up your new foster from transport, through to the adoption.