Foster Guidelines

Foster: We are always in need of fosters!  Fosters help rescued dogs become more adoptable and find a loving furever home.  Foster parents teach the basic commands, assist in potty training (if needed), along with socialization.  Fosters interact with thde dog on a regular basis.  Oversee the food and vetting for the dog while in their care.  Consider becoming part of the FPAR community of volunteers.  You not only experience the joys of saving lives, but become part of a compassionate family.

Each new foster will be assigned a FPAR Mentor that helps them through the process, from picking up your new foster from transport, through to the adoption.

Even if you don’t see a dog on the Needs Foster list that fits your family, fill out the application, get pre-approved and your mentor can help you find a foster that fits your family.

Please consider joining us by filling out an online foster application

Foster Responsibilities:

  1. Provide a warm, safe and nurturing home and environment for the dog until its new furever home is found. Being in a foster home greatly increases that dog’s chance of being adopted.
  2. Dog will be kept as an inside dog. They may be allowed outside but will NOT live outside.  They will sleep INSIDE your home, in an appropriate area.
  3. Work with your foster on good home manners
  4. If required, will take the dog to all necessary vet appointments.
  5. Bring  your foster  to  adoption events
  6. Review adoption applications for the dog you are fostering to find a good match.
  7. Facilitate meetings with your foster and potential adopters.
  8. Since you’ll get to know the dog, you can provide invaluable insight to potential adopters, helping ensure he or she gets a home that’s a better match.


  1. All fosters should realize that in many cases, we do not know much in the way of history of the dog.  Temperament, how the dog interacts with various people and pets cannot typically be confirmed until the dog is in its foster home.
  2. The first few days a foster dog is in its new temporary home can be stressful for both the dog and the foster.  Keep in mind the dog is now living in a new environment.  The dog may have an accident or be abnormal during the first week.  The foster must realize the dog needs at least 3-5 days to decompress and become acclimated to their new surroundings and daily routine.
  3. FPAR ask that new fosters keep a dog for a minimum of 3-5 days before deciding to return a foster back to the group for feeling that it will not work out in your environment.  As stated above, some dogs need time to adjust to new surroundings.  If, however, the foster is not working out, Furever Paws will take the dog back but it may take our volunteers several days to make alternate arrangements for the foster dog.  We ask for your patience and understanding during these times.  Most of our volunteers work full time jobs during the day and do rescue work on their lunch hours, after work and on weekends.
  4. FPAR prides themselves on placing the right dog in the right home.  We do not place dogs in first available homes to get rid of them.  Fosters may have their dog for a week or several months depending on the dog and situation.  We are dedicated to our dogs first and adopters second!
  5. In most cities and townships there is a limit by city ordinance on the number of animals you can have in your home at one time.  Please know this information, which is easily found by calling your city hall clerk’s office.  We do not want any issues arising from a situation of too many animals in your home. We do request that you not foster other dogs from other organizations without first consulting a Furever Paw representative. Please do not take in stray or owner surrender dogs. Taking in a stray or owner-surrendered animal whose medical history is not known also allows for possible transmission of disease to other household pets and even family members. The unknown factor of another dog’s temperament and behavior needs to be taken into consideration. Should you come across a stray or someone wishing to relinquish his or her pet, please let us know, we may be able to help or find someone who can.
  6. You will get to know your foster dog better than anyone.  In order for us to know new things about our dogs, we ask that you occasionally give us updates on your foster dog regarding any changes, such as weight, personality, likes and dislikes, and behaviors. Getting updated pictures of your foster dog goes very far in the dog getting noticed on our websites, so please do this as often as you wish!