How You Can Help

Join the FPAR Team!

So you are thinking of joining FPAR? Great! We would love to speak with you!

As a non-profit we are only as strong as our volunteers. We rely heavily on our them for all aspects of the organizations operations. From events, to transport and foster care our ability to rescue & re-home dogs is only possible by people like you!

There is never a shortage of things to be done to improve and expand our organizations mission. We thank you for considering joining our team and are willing to answer any questions you may have.


Volunteer Application

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone (required)

    Address (required)

    City (required)


    Zip (required)

    What position(s) would you be interested in?

    Are you over 18 years of age?


    If you are under 18 years old you will need a Parent/Guardian with you when you volunteer, who will that person be? Please include their name, relation and contact info. This information will also be asked when you fill out the minor volunteer waiver.

    Have a special talent or interest? We need all sorts of volunteers. Let us know how you'd like to help.

    Do you want to help at our adoption events? This would include helping promote FPAR animals and volunteer opportunities, print and pass out fliers about FPAR, have a simple fundraiser; Craft Sale, bake sale, etc. and have proceeds benefit FPAR.

    Are you comfortable approaching a dog you don't know?

    Do you understand that dogs are unpredictable, and that FPAR cannot guarantee that a dog we are trying to rescue may not become aggressive?

    Animals are often frightened when in unfamiliar surroundings, and may become aggressive and even bite you or a companion. Are you willing to assume these risks with a rescue dog?

    We would like to know your preference of the level of commitment for volunteering with FPAR. Approximately how many hours a week would you like to volunteer?

    Potential Fosters

    In what type of home do you live:

    Do you own or rent your home:

    If you rent, can you provide written proof or name/number of contact if needed:

    Is your yard fenced:

    What type of fence:
