FPAR Wishlist

Here are the items we are always in need of! Please email our Donations Coordinator and they will schedule a pick up or drop off location at your convenience!


View our Wishlist on Amazon

• Wet and dry foods for dogs
• Treats
• Peanut Butter
• Toys of all kinds! Especially for hardy chewers and puppies
• EZ up shade tents
• Shampoo for dogs
• Coconut oil
• Nail trimmers, ear cleaner, brushes and other grooming tools
• Yard tie-outs
• Baby gates
• Outdoor kennels,
• Temporary fencing
• Martingale collars
• Leashes


• Thunder Shirts
• Zip lock baggies
• Hand Sanitizer
• Paper towels
• Zip ties
• Flea and Heartworm preventatives
• Newspapers
• Pet-safe cleaning products
• Dog bed, towels, blankets, sheets, pillows
• Food canisters and bins
• Pet store gift cards
• Gas Gift cards for transporters
• Donations of items or gift certificates for raffles at our fundraisers